Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I found this video stashed away in some file a few days ago. *sigh*. They change so fast. We all had colds at the time (which you can hear, if you watch)...I'd forgotten that already. Anyway, enjoy.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Three months old.

So, I haven't been very consistent about updating the ol' photo blog, but thought I was about due, for the sake of well, consistency, or something.
The last three months have flown by, but have taught me so much. They have been both one minute, and forever. All in one little baby.

Anyway, I could be really sappy and go on rambling, but I'll spare you. Here's the recap:

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One hour old.

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One week old.

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Three weeks old.

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Five weeks old.

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Seven weeks old.

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Two months old.

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Two and a half months old.

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Three months old.

Oh, and bonus pictures:

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(3 months) I love these, but they turned out pretty blurry.

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(2 months-ish) Best load of laundry ever.

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(3 mo.) And another naked baby picture, though perhaps not his best moment...

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(2 mo.) Everybody loves a sleeping baby.

Anyway, we couldn't be happier. Thanks for staring at my baby!